Digital Youth: Preparing Youth Workers for a Digital World
The Digital Youth project focuses on preparing youth workers to engage in digital youth work by providing them with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies. In particular, the specific objectives of the project are to:- Promote the importance of Digital Youth Work in the partner countries (Greece, Cyprus, Ireland and Spain) and Europe
- Build the competencies of youth workers to use digital tools in youth work
- Develop quality resources for digital youth work
- Improve the overall quality of youth work conducted in the participating countries
A Glimpse of our Experience so Far Our journey began with a commitment to understanding the evolving landscape of youth work in the digital age. The insights we gained enabled us to identify gaps and needs in the realm of youth work related to digital skills, knowledge and competencies, and create based on them, the Digital Youth Handbook. You can access the Handbook here.
As we marched forward on our mission to empower youth workers and trainers, we developed three insightful blended learning modules tailored to address their unique needs. In particular, these modules were designed to aid youth workers and trainers in laying the foundation for digital youth work, diving deep into real-world applications and best practices and learning how to measure and maximise their impact.
Furthermore, we actively worked on creating a free, engaging and interactive eLearning Environment that serves as the home for our blended learning modules. This platform also hosts a wealth of additional resources to support youth workers and trainers in their digital youth work, including articles, publications, handbooks, podcasts, videos and digital tools. You can access the eLearning Platform here. Our platform has also been tested by experienced youth workers across all partner countries in order to shape it further according to their needs.
As we continue to evolve, we are currently working on a comprehensive report to document lessons learned, as well as showcase good examples and practices in the field of digital youth work. This report will also include policy and practice recommendations to strengthen further and enrich digital youth work.
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